1 The times permitted to sell alcohol do not prohibit or restrict the supply to, or consumption by, any person of alcohol in any premises where the premises are bona fide used, or intended to be used, for the purpose of habitually providing for reward, board and lodging, including breakfast and at least one customary main meal.
2 The times permitted to sell alcohol do not prohibit or restrict the sale of alcohol to a trader for the purposes of their trade or to a club with a Club Premises Certificate for the purposes of the club.
3 The times permitted to sell alcohol do not prohibit or restrict the ordering of alcohol to be consumed off the premises, or the despatch by the vendor of the alcohol so ordered.
4 The times permitted to sell alcohol do not prohibit or restrict the taking of alcohol from the premises by a person residing there.
5 The times permitted to sell alcohol do not prohibit or restrict the supply of alcohol for consumption on the premises to any private friends of a person residing there who are bona fide entertained by them at their own expense, or the consumption of persons so supplied.
6 The times permitted to sell alcohol do not prohibit or restrict the supply of alcohol for consumption on premises to persons employed there for the purposes of the businesses carried on by the holder of the licence, or the consumption of liquor so supplied, if the liquor is supplied at the expense of their employer or of the person carrying on or in charge of the business on the premises.
7 The times permitted to sell alcohol do not prohibit or restrict the sale or supply of alcohol to any canteen or mess, being a canteen in which the sale or supply of alcohol is carried out under the authority of the Secretary of State or an authorised mess of members of Her Majesty’s naval, military or air forces.
8 Non-alcoholic drinks shall be available at all times.
9 All empty bottles and cans shall be stored inside the premises.
10 All bar staff, when recruited, shall be trained on the Licensing Act 2003, particularly in relation to young persons, and a refusals book shall be maintained and kept available for inspection.
11 Staff shall seek evidence of age from young people where there are any doubts, and admission refused where appropriate.
12 The number of live events shall not exceed two in any one week.
13 Where a live music event involves performances where the music or singing is amplified, the maximum number of muscians/singers at any one time shall be five.
14 Where live or recorded music is amplified beyond the level of the usual restaurant backround music, loud speakers shall be sited on the northern side of the building awat from the party wall and shall be placed on sound absorbing material to lessen transmitted noise and vibration through the walls and floors.
15 Dancing shall be only permitted when the whole premises has been booked for a private event to which the public are not admitted.
16 Unless the premises have been booked for a private function, meals shall be available between 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.
17 The first floor restaurant and the ground floor areas inside the building edged YELLOW shall be designated No Smoking areas.
18 Staff shall be trained in fire evacuation procedures.
19 Means of escape shall be maintained, unobstructed and clearly identifiable when the premises arer in use.
20 The premises shall be adequately vented to prevent nuisance from noxious smells.
21 A notice shall be displayed at the exit requesting customers to leave quietly.
22 All children shall sit in either areas edged YELLOW on the plan or in outside licenced areas.
23 No unaccompanied children shall be admitted after 9:30 p.m. and a sign shall be erected to this effect, clearly displayed at the entrance.
24 The sale by retail/supply of alcohol, regulated entertainment and late night refreshment will be confined to the area (s) as outlined in RED on the attached plan (s).