1 The premises may remain open for no more than 30 minutes after the end of the period during which the retail sale of alcohol is permitted, as a “wind-down” period.
2 No guest shall be permitted to take any bottles, glasses or alcoholic drink from the premises.
3 The premises shall operate a proof of age scheme and responsibility shall be given to the Bride and Groom to inform all guests of this policy as part of the terms and conditions of booking.
4 Proof of age signs shall be clearly displayed at the bar and proof of age cards shall be required for all persons appearing to be under the age of 21 years.
5 Drinks promotions involving reduced price alcoholic drinks shall not be permitted.
6 The wedding party shall nominate a responsible person to liase with the staff to ensure that the behaviour of guests is acceptable.
7 Any guest who displays aggressive or other anti-social behaviour shall be asked to leave the premises.
8 All bar staff shall be trained on The Licensing Act 2003.
9 All bottles and glasses shall be removed from public areas as soon as they are finished with or empty.
10 All fire exit doors shall be easily openable without the use of a key.
11 Means of escape from the building shall be clearly identifiable and will remain unobstructed.
12 Exit doors shall be regularly checked to ensure they are functioning satisfactorily.
13 All fire doors shall be maintained effectively self-closing and will not be held open.
14 Notices detailing the actions to be taken in the event of a fire or other emergency shall be prominently displayed and maintained in good condition.
15 Access shall be provided for emergency vehicles and this access shall be kept clear and free from obstruction.
16 Alarm testing and emergency lighting tests shall be conducted monthly and records of these tests shall be made available to the Licensing Authority upon request.
17 All fire exits and means of escape shall be signed in accordance with BS5499.
18 An evacuation policy shall be in place that is to the satisfaction of the Fire Authority and all staff members shall be trained in the policy.
19 When disabled persons are present, arrangements shall be made with the wedding party to ensure their safe evacuation in the event of an emergency.
20 There shall be annual checks of the electrical equipment, including emergency lighting and fire detection system and the certificates showing this shall be made available upon request.
21 Fire fighting equipment shall be tested annually and the certificate showing this shall be made available upon request.
22 An adequate and appropriate supply of first aid equipment shall be available to treat guests if required.
23 At least one suitably trained first aider shall be on duty for any event.
24 Free drinking water shall be made available to all guests.
25 Staff shall be readily identifiable to guests.
26 No amplified music shall be permitted in the marquees.
27 Any amplified music in outside licensed areas will be of a background level only and shall finish by 2000 hrs. This will be in accordance with the environmental health definition of background music which is “music whose main function is to create an atmosphere rather than be listened to. Background music shall always be played at a level that would allow conversation between persons in the same room or near to the music source without the need for voices to be raised”.
28 The amplification of wedding speeches during the ceremony or reception in outside licensed areas shall finish by 2000 hrs and shall also be at a level that would allow conversation between persons at the edge of the licensable area without the need for voices to be raised.
29 A noise limiter shall be used to ensure that the levels of amplified music are kept within standards given by Environmental Health.
30 A member of staff shall be responsible for keeping the ballroom door closed.
31 Collective activities shall not be permitted that involve all wedding guests congregating outside after 2230 hours, e.g. silent pyrotechnics, release of sky lanterns etc.
32 The congregation of guests shall only be permitted in the licensable and residential areas of the premises and the designated smoking areas during the wedding reception (with the exception of children’s activities such as nature walks and treasure hunts).
33 The parking of guests to the left or right of the single road section of the driveway in the grounds of the Manor will not be permitted. Parking will only be permitted from the point at which the road forks.
34 5 MPH signs shall be displayed at both the entrance and exit to the Manor to limit the noise and promote safety.
35 The maximum total number of guests for a wedding reception using a marquee shall be 180 and the total number using the manor alone shall be 150.
36 There shall be a maximum of 20 wedding receptions on Saturday’s and a maximum of 5 wedding receptions on Wednesday’s.
37 Weddings shall not take place between the start of the state school summer holidays (as set by Devon LEA) up to but not including the August bank holiday weekend.
38 Doors and windows shall be kept closed as much as possible.
39 Noise levels from amplified music shall be closely monitored by staff.
40 Towards the end of the evening, announcements shall be given, requesting that guests depart in a quiet and orderly fashion.
41 Taxis departing from the premises shall use the rear courtyard to minimise the impact of noise on local residents.
42 Traditional fireworks shall not be permitted at weddings but silent staged pyrotechnics shall but only if managed by a suitably qualified person.
43 The placing of bottles in receptacles shall only take place during the daytime.
44 The lighting of the grounds shall have no impact on neighbouring properties.
45 Children shall not attend weddings without parental/family supervision.
46 Any workers involved in children’s activities shall be CRB checked and all outside agencies shall only be used if they have an appropriate child protection policy.
47 The sale by retail of alcohol shall be confined to the area (s) as outlined in RED on the attached plan (s).
48 Regulated entertainment shall be confined to the area (s) as outlined in BLUE on the attached plan (s).