1 The premises may remain open for no more than 30 minutes after the end of the period during which the retail sale of alcohol is permitted, as a “wind-down” period.
2 All staff shall be fully trained in the requirements of The Licensing Act 2003 and shall promote responsible drinking.
3 Staff shall monitor the behaviour of individuals to ensure that customers drink responsibly.
4 Staff shall regularly monitor the restaurant and clear tables of glasses and crockery.
5 A CCTV system shall be installed, operated and maintained to the satisfaction of the Chief Officer of Police.
6 An accident book shall be maintained.
7 There shall be sufficient fire fighting and first aid equipment on the premises.
8 Sufficient signage shall be displayed to identify fire exits.
9 Electrical equipment and gas appliances shall be tested regularly.
10 Wet floor signs shall be clearly visible when so required.
11 Live and recorded background music shall be kept to an appropriate level of volume and shall be turned down to low or off during the last 30 minutes of opening.
12 To reduce noise pollution, all windows and doors shall be kept closed, apart from customers entering/leaving the premises.
13 The outside patio area upstairs shall not have any music playing and shall be cleared of customers by 2330hrs on any given night.
14 Customers shall be asked to leave the premises quietly and respectfully for neighbouring residents.
15 The local Police shall be liased with and advice taken on licensing policies.
16 The restrictions inherent in The Licensing Act 2003 shall be applied.
17 A Proof of age policy to the satisfaction of the Police and Local Authority shall be in place and all staff shall receive training with regard to their responsibilities.
18 Written records of this training shall be kept and be made available for inspection on request.
19 The nature of the premises shall remain as a cafe and restaurant.
20 The sale by retail of alcohol shall be confined to the area (s) as outlined in RED on the attached plan (s).
21 Regulated entertainment and late night refresehment shall be confined to the area (s) as outlined in BLUE on the attached plan (s).