1 This Licence relates to: High Street, Joy Street, Boutport Street, Butchers Row, Pannier Market, market Street, Holland Walk, Mermaid Walk, Cross Street, Holland Street, Gammon Walk, Tuly Street, Castle Green, Library Square, Queen Street, Bear Street, The Strand, Castle Street, Maiden Street, Church Lane, Paternoster Row, Silver Street, Wells Street, Diamond Street, Belle Meadow Road and North Walk.
2 Town Centre Management shall ensure that all aspects of the operating schedule are complied with and shall ensure that all other legislation/guidance relating to any specific events is adhered to.
3 As a Condition of the licence, the Town Centre Management would request that any parties wishing to use any of the defined areas for any purposes same or similar to those outlined in the application, must come through Town Centre Management and North Devon Council Licensing Department.
4 The Premises Licence holder shall comply with any Police requirements prior to giving consent to any hire.
5 The Town Centre Management will issue any third party user with a set of conditions of hire/use. All key elements of the licence would be contained within this document together with a clear instruction of the responsibility of the third party to comply with all elements.
6 Hirers must ensure events are conducted with due regard to the licensing objectives.
7 Hirers shall be required to obtain approval from the Council for all events and to comply with the Council’s Licence for hire and any other by-laws and regulations.
8 At the conclusion of each event, an announcement must be made asking people to leave the event in a quiet and orderly manner.
9 All events that take place where numbers exceed 150 patrons and finishes after 2000 hrs, then SIA registered door stewards shall be employed. One SIA registered door steward at 151 patrons and additional SIA registered door stewards for every extra 75 patrons therein.
10 Door supervisors shall be correctly registered with the SIA, shall display correct name badges and shall carry proof of registration.
11 Door supervisors shall ensure the capacity does not exceed the figures required by Police, Fire and Local Authority.
12 Applications in writing can be made to the Constabulary at least 10 days in advance of any proposed event removing the requirements of the SIA registered door stewards of the event being held, if in the Constabulary’s view, the event does not require SIA registered door stewarding.
13 As well as SIA registered door supervisors, there shall be an equivalent numbers of Marshall’s on duty.
14 Radios shall be used in town centre licensed premises to provide 2-way communication between themselves, the Police and other licensed premises.
15 The equipment shall be kept in working order at all times.
16 All instances of crime and disorder shall be reported to the Police via CCTV or the radio.
17 Any Police requirements shall be complied with at all times.
18 If under 18’s are allowed on the premises, alcohol shall not be available to any customers.
19 An incident book shall be kept and all instances of public disorder recorded in it.
20 Access shall be provided for emergency vehicles and this access shall be kept clear and free from obstruction.
21 The fire brigade shall be called to any outbreak of fire, however slight.
22 When disabled people are present, adequate arrangements shall exist to enable their safe evacuation in the event of an emergency.
23 Adequate and appropriate supply of first aid equipment and materials shall be available on the premises.
24 At least one suitably trained first aider shall be on duty when the public are present.
25 If more than one first aider is present, their respective duties shall be clearly defined.
26 Confirmation of public liability insurance in the minimum sum of £2 million shall be provided.
27 A new certificate shall be provided annually.
28 Special effects including the following shall only be used with prior notification to the Licensing and/or Fire Authorities:- Dry ice machines and cryogenic fog; smoke machines and fog generators; pyrotechnics, including fireworks; real flame; firearms; motor vehicles; strobe lighting; lasers; explosives and highly flammable substances.
29 The use of explosives, pyrotechnics and fireworks of a similar nature which could cause disturbance in surrounding areas shall be restricted.
30 All reasonable measures shall be taken to prevent nuisance to nearby residents, e.g. loudspeakers shall be positioned facing away from the residential area, flashing or bright lights shall only be placed in positions that do not cause nuisance to neighbouring residents.
31 The hirer must ensure that all litter directly related to an event is cleared and properly disposed of at the end of each event.
32 The hirer must make adequate arrangements for the safe custody/reporting of lost children.
33 When films are classified by the film classification body, they will be classified in the following way:- U Universal, suitable for audiences aged 4 years and over; PG Parental Guidance, some scenes may be unsuitable for young children; 12A, viewing by persons aged 12 years or older or persons younger than 12 when accompanied by an adult; 15, viewing by persons aged 15 years and over; 18, viewing by persons aged 18 years and over.
34 Immediately before each exhibition of a film classified by the BBFC, there shall be a reproduction of the certificate of the Board for at least 5 seconds so as to be easily read by all the persons in the auditorium or, as regards a trailer advertising a film, a statement approved by the Board indicating the classification of that film.
35 Where the Licensing Authority has made a recommendation on the restriction of admission of children to a film, notices shall be displayed both inside and outside the premises so that persons are aware of the classification.
36 The backstage facilities shall be large enough to accommodate safely the number of children taking part in any performance.
37 All chaperones and production crew on the show shall receive instruction on the fire procedures prior to the arrival of the children.
38 Children performing in productions shall be kept under adult supervision at all times including transfer from stage to dressing room and anywhere else on the premises.
39 Children shall be accounted for at all times in case of an evacuation or emergency.
40 Regulated entertainment shall be confined to the area (s) as outlined/highlighted in RED on the attached plan (s).