1 Licensable activities will not be carried out other than during the course of the event, which will take place Thursday to Monday on one occasion between 1 May and 31 October each year.
2 An Event Notification, Event Safety Management Plan, Noise Management Plan and Traffic Management plan will be submitted to the local authority and Devon and Cornwall Police at least 3 months in advance of the event date.
3 All staff engaged in licensable activity at the premises will receive training and information in relation to the following: (i) The Challenge 25 scheme in operation at the premises, including the forms of identification that are acceptable; (ii) The hours and activities permitted by the premises licence issued under the Licensing Act 2003 and conditions attached to the licence; (iii) How to complete and maintain the refusal register in operation as the premises (in relation to the sale of alcohol); (iv) Recognising the signs of drunkenness; (v) The operating procedures for refusing service to any person who is drunk, underage or appears to be underage, or appears to be making a proxy purchase; (vi) Action to be taken in the event of an emergency, including reporting an incident to the emergency services. Training shall be recorded in documentary form and shall be regularly refreshed at no greater than annual intervals. Training records shall be made available for inspection and copying at reasonable times upon request of an authorised officer of a responsible authority. Training records will be retained for at least 12 months.
4 An incident log shall be kept and maintained at the premises which will include a log of the following, including pertinent details: (i) Any incidents of disorder or of a violent or anti-social nature; (ii) All crimes reported to the venue, or by the venue to the Police; (iii) All ejections of patrons; (iv) Any complaints received; (v) Seizures of drugs or offensive weapons; (vi) Any visits by a responsible authority (under the Licensing Act 2003) or emergency service. Records will be completed within 24 hours of any incident, and will contain the time and date, the nature of the incident, the people involved, the action taken and details of the person responsible for the management of the premises at the time of the incident. The logs shall be kept for at least 12 months following the date of entry and be made available for inspection and copying upon request of an authorised officer of a responsible authority.
5 Open containers of alcohol shall not be removed from the premises. Each exit gate from the premises will feature a staff presence. Staff will be instructed to prohibit customers from exiting the premises with containers of alcohol.
6 There shall be a personal licence holder on duty on the premises at all times when the premises is authorised to sell alcohol.
7 Outside of the hours authorised for the retail sale of alcohol and whilst the premises is open to the public, all alcohol within the premises (including alcohol behind the counter) must be secured in a locked store room or behind locked grilles, locked screens, locked cabinet doors, or secured by fencing, barriers, or security personnel, so as to prevent access to the alcohol by both customers and staff.
8 The number of SIA licensed door supervisors employed shall be in accordance with the following ratio: A minimum of 1 door supervisor for every 250 attendees of the event between 09:00 and 01:30 and a minimum of 1 door supervisor for every 500 attendees of the event between 01:30 and 09:00.
9 The SIA Security Team will be supported by event traffic marshals and stewarding personnel.
10 All SIA licensed door supervisors shall wear distinctive clothing or insignia to clearly identify them as door supervisors. Door supervisors on duty at the entrance(s) shall wear ‘high visibility’ clothing (such as a jacket or waistcoat).
11 Searches will be in operation at the entrance to the event. Grounds for search will be determined at the discretion of the door supervisor. Searches will aim to detect drugs, weapons and articles deemed unauthorised by the event. SIA licensed door supervisors engaged in searching persons, shall be fully trained in the use of their powers to do so. Where searches of persons are undertaken, SIA licensed door supervisors of both sexes will be on duty.
12 The following details for each door supervisor will be contemporaneously entered into a register kept for that purpose: (i) Full name; (ii) SIA licence/badge number and registration number of any accreditation scheme recognised by the Licensing Authority (including expiry date of that registration or accreditation); (iii) The date and time they began their duty; (iv) The date and time they completed their duty; (v) The full details of any agency through which they have been allocated to work at the premises, if appropriate. The register shall be available for inspection and copying at all reasonable times by an authorised officer of a responsible authority.
13 SIA licensed door supervisors will be responsible for ensuring the safe, quiet and orderly dispersal of customers from the premises and the immediate vicinity of the premises.
14 A written drugs’ policy shall be in place and operated at the premises. It must detail the actions taken to minimise the opportunity to use or supply illegal substances within the premises. The policy must be made available for inspection and copying upon request by an authorised officer of a responsible authority. The policy will be published in the Event Safety Management Plan.
15 There must be at the premises, a lockable drugs’ safe to which no member of staff, save the DPS or the Chief SIA Security Guard, shall have access. All controlled drugs (or items suspected to be or to contain controlled drugs) found at the premises, must be placed in this safe as soon as practicable. Whenever this box is emptied, all of its contents must be given to the Police for appropriate disposal.
16 The maximum number of persons (including staff and entertainers) allowed at the premises, shall not exceed 4,999.
17 The maximum occupancy of a temporary structure, shall not exceed 2 persons per m2 of standing accommodation. Methods for controlling occupant capacities will be recorded in the Event Safety Management Plan.
18 The Premises Licence Holder or nominated person, shall ensure that the accommodation limit(s) specified on the licence is/are not exceeded and shall be aware of the number of people on the premises at all reasonable times. This information shall be immediately available on the request of an authorised officer of a responsible authority.
19 A suitable system must be in place to accurately indicate the number of customers (including staff, entertainers, etc.) on the premises at any time.
20 Adequate procedures must be implemented to ensure overcrowding (such as that which may cause injury through crushing) does not occur in any part of the premises. These procedures will be recorded in the Event Safety Management Plan.
21 In respect of temporary sanitary facilities, the servicing of sanitary accommodation must take place on a continuous basis throughout the event to ensure the sanitary accommodation is kept in a usable condition at all times when the public require it to be available. In respect of temporary sanitary facilities, the removal of sewage must take place hygienically and appropriately at the conclusion of the event or as required.
22 In the absence of adequate daylight, artificial lighting in any area accessible to the public shall be fully operational, whilst the public are present. All lighting and electrical installations will be installed and monitored by a suitably competent electrician.
23 Queuing will be managed in a manner which ensure fire exist routes are kept clear, and that prevents the presence of pedestrians on a highway or public footpath.
24 All drinks shall be served in collapsible plastic or paper containers.
25 No customer shall be permitted to take a drinking vessel from the premises.
26 Bins shall be provided at exit gates to prevent containers being taken from the premises.
27 The event will designate a walking route to the village of Woolacombe. The route will not intersect or traverse a public highway. The route will be supported by directional signage.
28 Event staff will be positioned at all accesses and egresses from the premises. These staff will be briefed to strongly discourage pedestrian customers from accessing public highways or the southwest coastal past on foot. These staff will direct pedestrians to the designated walking route.
29 Temporary demountable structures (marquees, stages, terraced seating, sound and lighting rigs or towers, etc.), will be appropriate designed and erected by suitably competent persons with due consideration of any required building control or planning compliance, location, completion sign off, periodic inspections, wind resistance with appropriate monitoring and fire retardancy of any fabrics.
30 A suitable adverse weather management plan will be included in the Event Safety Management Plan.
31 Electrical, gas (including LPG), oil and any other electrical or mechanical systems (sound, lighting, HVAC, etc.) should be appropriately installed and operated by suitably competent persons with any required certifications/test/check/maintenance process in place with secure storage, etc., as required.
32 A medical resource assessment will be undertaken mindful of audience/customer demographic and numbers, the environment, external factors such as drug use and emergency service response times to determine the number of trained personnel, the level of training and equipment/facilities required. A suitable provision of private medical resources will be specified, based on this assessment.
33 Sufficient litter containers will be provided within the area of the premises.
34 A waste management plan will be included in the Event Safety Management Plan.
35 The event will be run in accordance with a Noise Management Plan (NMP).
36 The NMP shall be submitted to North Devon Council for approval no later than 6 weeks prior to the commencement of the event (for licensed events).
37 The NMP shall include the following information; The Music Noise Level measured over a 15 minute period (LAeq, 15min) at the boundary of any noise sensitive premises shall not exceed a level 65dB(A) during the day time (defined as between the hours of 09:00 and 23:00) on any day. At all other times, the Music Noise Level shall not exceed 45dB LAeq 15 min at the boundary of any noise sensitive premises. Between the hours of 23:00 and 08:00, the levels at the relevant sound mixer positions shall be controlled such that at the boundary of any noise sensitive premises the 63 Hz and 125 Hz octave band levels, measured over a period of 15 minutes (LZeq, 15 min) shall not exceed a level 3 d(B) below the agreed Music Noise Level.
38 Access will be granted to officers of the licensing authority to all areas of the site, relevant to an investigation of music noise levels, to include front of house and monitor sound mixing positions.
39 During the whole course of the event, a noise monitoring system shall be in place. Two off-site monitoring locations shall be established to the satisfaction of the licensing authority and prior to the event commencing. The results of noise monitoring shall be available to officers of the licensing authority upon request and data provided to the authority upon request, subsequent to the event.
40 There will be a manned, charged telephone, with reception, throughout the event and there will be a dedicated person on site with the relevant responsibility to turn down the noise levels on request throughout the event.
41 Upon the reasonable request by officers of the licensing authority and at any time during the event, the sound operator shall temporarily adjust the configuration of the amplification system to reduce either broadband sound levels or sound levels within a particular octave band. Thereafter, the applicant shall agree with the officer a music noise level to achieve compliance with noise limits.
42 All other potential sources of noise throughout the site shall be monitored and regulated in accordance with the Noise Management Plan.
43 Where necessary, the noise level of any noise source found to be excessive by an officer of the licensing authority shall be immediately reduced to a level acceptable to the officer.
44 Measures which will be put in place to enable those residents who have the potential to be adversely affected by the event to contact the event organiser throughout the event it they wish to, and how such residents will be notified of such measures. This will include a notification letter delivered to any premises within one kilometre of the event location. The letter will include a contact number for the event control room.
45 All complaints received will be recorded, thoroughly investigated, and the outcome/remedial actions also recorded. If it is alleged or suspected that the music noise levels are being breached, sound level monitoring will be undertaken from the relevant complainant’s property. Remedial action will be taken to reduce levels when non-compliance with licence conditions are identified.
46 Unaccompanied children of age 17 or under will not be allowed upon the premises at any time.
47 Children of age 17 or under will only be admitted when accompanied by an adult of age 18 or over at a ratio of no more than 3 children to 1 adult.
48 SIA Door Supervisors will enforce the unaccompanied child policy at the event entrance through the carryout out of ID checks.
49 The exhibition of films pursuant to this licence will be restricted to films that have been classified as Universal (U) or Parental Guidance (PG) by the designated film classification body.
50 Event staff will be trained on the procedure for dealing with lost children, as detailed in the Event Safety Management Plan.