1 The premises may remain open for no more than 30 minutes after the end of the period during which the retail of alcohol is permitted, as a ‘wind-down’ period.
2 SIA registered door stewards shall be employed for events where the majority of those attending are under the age of 25, and the event is open to the public.
3 All safety aspects shall be checked regularly.
4 Hirers of the premises shall be advised of their responsibilities in order to prevent public nuisance.
5 Hirer’s events shall be policed to ensure compliance with the licensing objectives.
6 Hirer’s events shall be screened for children’s safety.
7 All bottles and glasses shall be removed from public areas when empty or finished.
8 Proof of age shall be required from anyone seeking to purchase alcohol who appears to be under the age of 18 years.
9 There shall be an anti drug policy in force.
10 Notices shall be displayed indicating the ‘Right to Refuse Admission/Service’.
11 An incident logbook shall be kept on the premises at all times it is open to the public.
12 Curtains and upholstered furnishings shall be fire retardant.
13 Occupancy Rates: Function Room: Standing - Total not to exceed - 250
Seated - Total not to exceed - 165
14 There shall be two or more attendants.
15 All fire exits shall be labelled, kept clear and be easily openable.
16 There shall be a first aid box available, which shall contain appropriate and adequate materials and shall be inspected monthly.
17 There shall be an annual electrical safety check by a qualified electrician.
18 When fireworks displays are to be held, local residents shall be notified in advance.
19 Children shall not be permitted in the committee room.
The Sale by Retail of Alcohol and Regulated Entertainment shall be confined to the area (s) as filled in RED on the attached plan (s).