2 The times permitted to sell alcohol do not prohibit or restrict the supply to, or consumption by, any person of alcohol in any premises where the premises are bona fide used, or intended to be used, for the purpose of habitually providing for reward, board and lodging, including breakfast and at least one customary main meal.
3 The times permitted to sell alcohol do not prohibit or restrict the sale of alcohol to a trader for the purposes of their trade or to a club with a Club Premises Certificate for the purposes of the club.
4 The times permitted to sell alcohol do not prohibit or restrict the ordering of alcohol to be consumed off the premises, or the despatch by the vendor of the alcohol so ordered.
5 The times permitted to sell alcohol do not prohibit or restrict the taking of alcohol from the premises by a person residing there.
6 The times permitted to sell alcohol do not prohibit or restrict the supply of alcohol for consumption on the premises to any private friends of a person residing there who are bona fide entertained by them at their own expense, or the consumption of persons so supplied.
7 The times permitted to sell alcohol do not prohibit or restrict the supply of alcohol for consumption on premises to persons employed there for the purposes of the business carried on by the holder of the licence, or the consumption of liquor so supplied, if the liquor is supplied at the expense of their employer or of the person carrying on or in charge of the business on the premises.
8 The times permitted to sell alcohol do not prohibit or restrict the sale or supply of alcohol to any canteen or mess, being a canteen in which the sale or supply of alcohol is carried out under the authority of the Secretary of State or an authorised mess of members of Her Majesty’s naval, military or air forces.
9 Children are not permitted in the lounge areas 1, 2, 3 and 4 unless meals and non-alcoholic beverages are available for sale for consumption in that area and, they are in the company of a person aged 18 or over and are there between Monday and Saturday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday 12 noon to 7 p.m. In such circumstances, they may remain in the specified area for thirty minutes after the certificate has ceased to have effect for the consumption of refreshments.
10 There shall be displayed in a conspicuous position and easily read on the outside of the premises a notice or recognisable symbol indicating that Children are allowed in the premises.
11 The Licensee is to conduct his business so that ever precaution is taken to ensure the safety and comfort of children using the premises as a whole including any areas covered by the Certificate, toilets and any other part of the premises where children might be permitted and any routes between these areas.
12 The premises may remain open for no more than 60 minutes after the end of the period during which the retail sale of alcohol is permitted, to allow last orders to be consumed lass quickly. This will also provide toilet facilities before patrons leave the premises.
13 There shall be no admission to the premises after 02:00 hrs.
14 No customer shall be permitted to take open containers of alcohol or soft drinks from the premises.
15 All bottles and glasses shall be removed from public areas as soon as they are finished or empty.
15. No customers carrying open or sealed bottles or glasses shall be admitted to the premises at any time.
16. All-inclusive nights or other irresponsible drinks promotions shall not be permitted.
17. Consideration shall be given to setting capacity limits to prevent overcrowding which could lead to crime and disorder (currently 550).
18. Proof of age will be required from anyone seeking to purchase alcohol who appears to be under 18 years of age.
19. Gaming machines shall be sited so at be in full public view from the bar servery.
20. Adequate and appropriate supply of first aid equipment and materials shall be available.
21. Prominent, clear and legible notices shall be displayed at all exits requesting patrons to respect the needs of local residents and to leave the premises and the area qucikly.
22.The sale by retail/supply of alcohol will be confined to the area (s) as outlined in RED on the attached plan (s).
(1) The licensed premises shall be maintained in their present condition and no alterations shall be made therein, either in construction, re-arrangement of public accommodation or exits, or otherwise, without the consent of the appropriate Authority. Application for permission to effect any such alterations shall be made in accordance with the regulations of the appropriate Authority.
(2) All exit doors shall be easily openable without the use of a key, card, code or similar means and will be available for egress while the public are on the premises.
(3) Means of escape shall be maintained unobstructed, available and clearly identifiable.
(4) All fire doors shall be maintained effectively self-closing and shall not be held open other than by approved devices.
(5) All fire exits and means of escape shall be signed in accordance with BS5499.
(6) Fire appliances shall be inspected and if necessary, replaced, on an annual basis.
(7) There shall be an annual electrical safety check by a qualified electrician.
(8) There shall be an annual inspection of any gas boiler, calorifier or appliance by a CORGI registered engineer.
(9) There shall be an annual emergency lighting check by a qualified electrician.
(10) In the absence of adequate daylight, the lighting in any area accessible to the public shall be fully operational.
(11) Noise or vibrations shall not be audible at the facade of any noise sensitive premises.
(12) The CCTV system shall only be operational in accourdance with the CCTV Details, as submitted on 12th September 2002 and approved by the Local Authority and to the satisfaction of the Police.
(13) The licensed premises shall only be used for public entertainment at times when the CCTV system is in operation in accordance with the approved CCTV Details.
(14) Shall display the correct name badge.
(15) Shall carry proof of registration.
(16) From Sunday to Wednesday inclusive, there shall be a ratio of 1:75, commencing at a capacity of 75, to a maximum of 6.
(17) On Thursday, shall commence at 20:30 hrs.
(18) On Friday, commencing at 2100 hrs, there shall be a minimum of four door stewards. When the number of persons on the premises exceeds 374, five door stewards shall be employed. On Saturday, commencing at 2030 hrs, there shall be two door stewards. At 2100 hrs, a further two stewards. At 2130 hrs, a further two door stewards.
(19) That the Door Stewards so employed be licensed by the Securities Industry Authority (SIA) when so required by the appropriate legislation.
(20) The licensed premises shall only be operated in accordance with the Glass Details as submitted on 30th August 2002 and approved by the Local Authority.
(21) The licensed premises shall only be operated in accordance with the Drug Details, as submitted on 30th August 2002 and approved by the Local Authority.
(22) Regulated Entertainment will be confined to the area (s) as outlined in BLUE on the attached plan (s).
(23) Late Night Refreshment shall be confined to the area (s) as outlines in GREEN on the attached plan (s).